Surjit Singh Flora

The 2024 general elections are historic in the sense that the BJP is forming an alliance for the third time in a row. Thus, the BJP will remain in power for 15 years continuously, which is a remarkable achievement in itself.
Indeed! minority handicap government does not last long, I can say Modi’s third term, hardly even survive year or something, it will falls with the time.
One big takeaway from the General Election 2024 results is that confidence can be excellent, but overconfidence without excellent performance can lead to disaster.
Senior leaders of the BJP should never publicly claim that they are non-animals, even gods, because the people of India sympathize with the poor, humble, uneducated tea-seekers from the railway station. Vote, but never cast your ballot for those who are arrogant. People who are arrogant, conceited, and psychotic often mistakenly believe they are God. Therefore, it is crucial to never underestimate the Indian populace, as they consistently cast their votes in a manner that is often unexpected.
Where leaders have done wrong—never ask for votes for religion, temple, ram temple, Hindu Muslim, 20 crore Muslims dangerous for 100 crore Hindus, etc.—it can reverse what happened. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ji, in his elegant letters, embraced the policy of dividing and ruling each other, asserting that no leader in India’s history has ever divided people based on their religion. No statement was given. He also aimed at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that during the election campaign, an attempt has been made to destroy the prestige of the Prime Minister’s office along with the public dialogue by giving ‘hate speech’.
Dr. Manmohan Singh ji stated unequivocally that the BJP suffered a defeat in the Ayodhya constituency, despite securing the Ram Temple, a modern airport, a railway station, and numerous other facilities. Lord Ram is angry with Modi and the BJP because Advani Ji has fought for the Ram temple, and Modi is taking credit for it. Modi and the BJP have invoked the curses of four Shankaracharya.
These are the same voters who ousted Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who led India to victory in Kargil and tested nuclear weapons.
Modi and the entire NDA understood the voters. They were very confident. His political rallies began at the Hindu-Muslim temple and culminated at the Ram temple. Rarely did he discuss issues such as development, health, education, malnutrition, hunger, poverty, prosperity, or the environment. His entire campaign revolved around the temples of Rama and Hinduism.
However, in the literate new growth era, where technology has advanced and people have become more sophisticated, voters have demonstrated that divide and conquer political tactics may be effective in certain situations, but not always. Even the Congress, which practiced appeasement politics in 2004 and 2009, could not win the same category of votes. The NDA was no different.
The key to the 2024 election is overconfidence. Nadda said the BJP is so confident and strong that they don’t need the RSS, which may have caused a two-dozen seat disadvantage. They are not vocal and have moved into the background. This cost the party a majority.
Kangana Ranaut’s win was surprising. All credit goes to Jairam Thakur. But what can be expected is that Kangana does not become an absentee landlord, as has happened several times in Punjab’s Gurdaspur and Modi’s penchant for choosing Bollywood actors who, once chosen, run away to their main work. Instead of proving herself worthy of her victory and contributing to the development of her constituency, the state, and the country, Kangana is thriving in Bollywood.
The party decided on all of Delhi’s candidates. Local leaders were not included in the selection process. The Delhi dignitaries decided the fate of candidates, believing surveys were not 100% reliable. In Karnataka alone, the decision resulted in the reversal of approximately six seats. Yogi released a list of 35 candidates in UP, all of whom faced rejection. All these slightly damaged the party’s chances in every state.
Excessive interference in the candidate list for the purpose of change also negatively impacts the party. The party should have kept the same candidates with a few changes here and there, which would have reduced the headache of anti-party activities.
The reluctance of established leaders such as Vasundra Raje, Shivraj Singh Chavan, Manohar Lal Khattar, and others demonstrates the party’s unreliability. Either the party should have recognized their services by inducting them into the Union Cabinet or provided alternative arrangements commensurate with their status. Khatris in Rajasthan likely voted against the BJP in large numbers, resulting in the party’s downfall in the state.
Amit Shah’s ambition to become the next Prime Minister has damaged the chances of leaders like Yogi Adityanath, Fadnavis, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, etc. Devendra Fadnavis’s appointment as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra would have significantly improved the state’s electoral prospects in 2024. They never wanted Fadnavis, who could have become Maharashtra’s powerful Chief Minister.
Overconfidence led to a situation where almost the entire NDA became over satisfied, believing they had already won a landslide election victory before the polls even began. Even staunch BJP supporters appeared overconfident about this, leading many to abandon their voting efforts, believing that victory in any case would be easy for the BJP.
The weather played a significant role in the low turnout, as polling took place during the peak of summer when the country was under intense heat. I believe many who mattered to the BJP turned out to vote. Stay at home instead of going out.
Then there is the prejudice and disregard of the real masses—very much an Indian middle-class nation. Despite their hard work to earn a decent living and pay taxes, the powers that be routinely ignore them whenever they benefit the common man. Take a moment to reflect on who our Prime Minister and his team have consistently favored in the majority of their schemes—the so-called poor? The so-called backward farmers? So-called minorities? Who are our neighboring countries’ alleged oppressors? Show a central government scheme that has benefited the vociferous middle class without requiring them to pay for or contribute to it. Want free electricity? Ok, pay for the solar panels first. Are you crazy? When Delhi, Punjab and Karnataka can have it, why can’t it be for the rest of India? Politicians sometimes treat Dili like a stepmother, dividing their own country into many parts. In the past, politicians have always treated middle-class people like cash cows.
Muslims represent a significant issue that remains unaddressed in official discourse. Muslims share a common ideology. They follow their leaders almost blindly. No matter how much you love them, lift them up. They are no one’s allies, not only in India, but the same is true all over the world. And that’s actually good, because collectively, Muslims muster an incredible bargaining muscle that no political party can afford to ignore.
Youth: Once again, the overlooked class, particularly the general class (unless they are impoverished), Do you find it enjoyable when the youth undergo complete marginalization during admissions, job searches, or any other endeavor that prioritizes the “oppressed” classes? Despite ten years of state intervention, there’s still no resolution! Is it correct? Agni Veer, anyone? Why fix things that aren’t broken? Startup India? Ask anyone who has ever attempted to start a small business about the challenges they faced! Today, online portals are the easiest way to try our hand at business, but they require registration, which is a serious issue in A. Sales should only occur within the state.
Within the borders of Mumbai… Each journey necessitates a toll of just Rs. 45, and it takes at least 10-15 minutes to navigate the toll booths, which were erected to offset the cost of constructing the flyover in Mumbai several decades ago. are
Well, I can shout, but I don’t think I can help until the Prime Minister in his new tenure really calls every part of the country as one India and to all provinces and people, a Sikh Punjabi. Muslims, Christians, Hindus—they are all Indian citizens; they are a part of India. If The PM Modi does not think of the country’s development as equals, then he may have to wash his hands even from the chair found in this charity in the next election.
Surjit Singh Flora