By: Surjit Singh Flora
Every year on December 25th, both Christians and non-Christians around the world celebrate Christmas with great fanfare. Christmas marks the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ, the prophet of humanity, peace, love, and spirituality, who was born to humble shepherd parents on this date. The most important holiday for Christians is the birthday of Jesus Christ, celebrated globally with tremendous enthusiasm not only by those of the Christian faith but also by non-Christians. Even in countries where Christianity is not the predominant faith, people globally celebrate Christmas, despite it being a traditional Christian holiday.
People around the world joyfully celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ at Christmas, His martyrdom on Good Friday, and His victory over death at Easter. The life, death, and ministry of Christ are unmatched. Jesus is believed to have been born from the virgin Mary, part of a holy family in Nazareth, Galilee, in a manger in Bethlehem, Jerusalem, according to divine plan. Many believe that God sent him to earth to eliminate sins and promote the well-being of humanity.
He shared the teachings of forgiveness, humanity, equality, holiness, solidarity, and love by travelling from city to city, town to town, and village to village. They shared their views uniquely, grasping the people’s pain…A woman caught in adultery faced a death sentence by stoning, imposed by a male-dominated society under the law. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in the village. The woman rushed to Him, seeking salvation and help. Jesus said that only those without sin should cast the first stone at her. Consequently, everyone departed. Jesus forgives the woman, urging her not to sin again. He made a unique choice to honour the woman and forgive her sin, silencing the religious leaders at that time.
Jesus Christ stood against the narrow politics of fundamentalism, fascism, and opportunism of his time. He opposed the religious pomp of that time and the rituals made by leaders for their own benefit. The law of Moses states that the Sabbath, one day a week, is reserved for God’s work and worship, with no other activities permitted on this day. Jesus responded by saying that he did not come to oppose the law of Moses but to fulfill it. He illustrated with the example of a farmer: if a farmer’s ox fell into a well on the Sabbath, wouldn’t he save it? No one received a response.
In Israel, religious contractors ostracized and separated lower-class people, making them untouchables. As a Jew, Jesus, despite his upper-class background, engaged with the marginalized, lived among them, and taught values of equality, fellowship, brotherhood, and harmony while occasionally rebuking the untouchables. A Samaritan woman facing social inequality approached the well to draw water and asked her for a drink. The woman declined to share her water due to her untouchable status, but Jesus drank from her and proclaimed, “I will give you the water of life.” He linked love for children to love for God. His teachings showed that children are the most holy people and that the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. To reach heaven, one must be pure, true, honest, and non-discriminatory like children and possess a humble mind with strong morals. His knowledge served as a guiding light for the youth. He challenged the ruling class of his time, dominated by fundamentalist religious leaders, by advocating non-violence through his teachings and promoting a new consciousness. He also strongly opposed the religious, political, and economic injustices faced by ordinary people. The ruling class exposed their true selves. They bribed Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciples, with greed. With his help, they arrested Jesus, tortured him, and ultimately crucified him.
Jesus Christ completed his spiritual and earthly duties during his time on earth. He shared messages of love, fellowship, brotherhood, equality, and sacrifice through his teachings, ultimately sacrificing himself to become a gift to the world. Even in that moment, while on the cross, he spoke important words: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
In short, let’s embrace the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and strive to live a life filled with contentment, allowing His guidance to lead us in our journey.