As per perceptions of people, politicians are a bunch of thugs. We expect politicians to be good, but the moment they become good, they are no more politicians; they are social workers. A good politician is the one who can upkeep his reputation by doing something that might earn him a thousand votes. We never saw anything like in Wards 7-8 Brampton Candidate Baljit Bawa’s mind or nerves that he was one of those politicians’ bunch of thugs when we sat with him in our Asia Metro office; he was totally humble, with a plan, and a total social worker. Because he thinks federal and provincial leaders might play political games, but when it comes to the city, it’s nothing to do with politics. It’s totally community, neighborhood, and social service.
That’s what he’s running for and believes in, such as making our neighborhoods “SAFE” by allocating needed resources to curb crime. Clean, Accountable, Accessible, and Transparent City Hall, Efficient use of taxes for affordability, Cut unnecessary spending and reduce waste to fight tax hikes. Build more public facilities and engage communities for a more harmonious, inclusive Brampton. Rebuild a better, more beautiful Brampton.
When we talk about cutting the unnecessary spending, Mr. Bawa said, such as security for public events, calling for audits, investigations, and spending on blaming games on each other , but these inside fights cost the taxpayers, and he will do his best to eliminate them and save the public funds.
A good politician will never make a poor guy wealthy. Why? The explanation is simple: if everyone became wealthy, there would be no need for the government. What does the government do…help poor people, right? The definition of a politician stays the same all across the world: develop, help, with checklists, and do the same progressively. That almost certainly sells a vote. Doing everything in a short amount of time will not gain you votes… The person who accomplishes this will stay in power and will therefore be referred to as a good politician rather than a social worker.
To stop the crime Mr. Bawa stated that he will do everything in his power to ensure that the police station is fully staffed. With the help of each other and a new full police station, crimes like steeling and car jacking will stop. Why? Because if neighbors contact the police when they see suspicious activity in their area and the police provide quick follow-up, then there is a good chance that a crime will be averted and even a possibility that criminals will start to get the word and avoid that area. Neighborhood watch members exchange information on suspicious people and vehicles. This can be done through Google Groups, email chains, and other online platforms, which greatly enhances awareness as well.
He works on the ground with people and provides solutions to the issues. lived in Ward 7 for over 20 years. If elected as City Councillor for Wards 7 and 8, he is well-versed in the issues and knows how to resolve them.
His three-prong approach is: safer (from crime), cleaner (corruption-free city hall), and affordable (accessible public infrastructure, well-used taxes for healthy living) Brampton for all.
When we talked about funding from federal and provincial and the leadership at the city hall, Mr. Bawa said, “Lack of representation: The incumbent left the residents without any solutions or choices as he moved on to another position. The safety of the residents is at stake. There are no development plans for businesses to create jobs for residents.
Due to a lack of quorum, decisions are taken in court and not in council meetings — Left There is no plan to address the use of taxpayer money effectively and effectively for the betterment of residents.
His message to Bramptonians was very clear: if they want to see the city moving , they must vote for him and give him a chance to prove himself. His plans to rebuild Beautiful Brampton resonates with the needs of our city, such as Improving roads, sewers, parks, and initiatives that make Wards 7 and 8 cleaner, safer, and more accessible Increase police, fire, and healthcare resources.
Also, Mr. Bawa’s eyes are on building accessible public infrastructure, public-private partnerships, and empowering businesses and entrepreneurs. He is creating local jobs and ways residents can provide input on development. He wants to sit with them every month and listen to what the citizens are looking for change to bring to the city.
Also, he’s in favor of rebuilding the BRT corridor (Queen Street connecting the city from East to West), public and private offices, and businesses to bring economic growth and local sustainable jobs.
Do whatever it takes to nurture Brampton’s economic, cultural, and social comeback.
Baljit believes in being credible, open, accessible, and accountable to the residents. He’s the only candidate in wards 7 and 8 who is very talented, very professional, and humble. With the proper plan , he deserves the chance to see our beautiful city back with a beautiful clean fresh smell. We must stand with him, and vote for him on Oct 24, and get our city moving forward.